TMBC Voice’s of Trinity Choir
We believe that the music we sing, as an expression of our faith,
is both a gift from and an offering to God.
We are a “called choir,” called to express God’s grace and love through song.
We believe that each singer has special gifts for the ministry of music.
We acknowledge that these gifts and the joy of music come from God.
As recipients of God’s grace, we serve with a sense of gratitude
for what God has given us.
We dedicate the gift of song to the glory of God.
Our primary purpose is worship leadership,
which we fulfill by singing excellent music.
We serve one another for the mutual support and fulfillment of our members.
We foster growth both musically and spiritually by embracing both the challenge and the reward of distinguished choral literature.
The dedication of this choir to high musical standards and consistent musical leadership in worship requires a high level of commitment from all members.
Our singing is a covenant in fellowship with each other that each will do his or her part as an important member of the choir.