Members of the Diaconate and Trustee Boards

Mission Statement – To assist the pastor in the spiritual and administrative affairs of the church. To provide spiritual guidance to all members and the Ministries of the church


Every member of the TMBC family is assigned to a Deacon, who will in turn, account for the welfare of our members and will keep the Pastor informed. Check below to see who your deacon may be.

Nominations now OPEN!!!!

Has God called on you to serve the church? Why not be a member of the Board of Trustees? Nominations begin on December 8, 2024 thru December 15th, 2024. for a term of 2 years. All positions available.

Board of Trustees
The Trustee Board is first responsible as with all offices to God. Trustee(s) are elected from the membership of the church body to function on behalf of the church body in the areas relative to the physical facilities and legal matters of TMBC. They are also responsible for handling the legal affairs of the church.

Church Clerk
Keeps an accurate record of the proceedings during the Business Meetings, also maintains church membership roster and a complete listing of Deacons, Elected Church Officers as well as Ministry and Committees. Also makes church announcements when instructed.

Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer
The Church Treasurer has primary responsibility of maintaining an accurate account of all monies received and entrusted to him or her. Disburse funds on if authorized by the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, or in case of an emergency, by the Pastor, Trustee Chair, Deacon Board Chair etc. The Assistant Treasurer is to assist the Church Treasurer in the performance of these duties and assume all duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer in his or her absence.

Financial Secretary
Receive Tithes and Offering envelopes and record the name and amount as indicated on the envelopes in the record books. Maintain a record of Pledged amounts and contributions given towards Pledged amounts as well as provides a quarterly report to all members on Pledge list of their giving through the end of each quarter. The reports should be mailed to the members no later than fourteen (14) days following the end of the quarter.

Aloha Committee Chair
The chair coordinates various activities throughout the year that enhance and strengthen the Church membership as a family, to include Watch Night Service Breakfast, Easter Sunrise Continental Breakfast, Hail and Farewells (Annual Church Events).

The parliamentarian provides advice concerning parliamentary rules and procedures as requested by the Pastor, Trustee Board Chair, Deacon Board Chair, any presiding officer and or member of the church.

Bible Study

Bible Study Zoom

Meeting ID: 82654996424          Passcode: 603527

Intercessory Prayer

Prayer Line

Meeting  ID: 813 8056 3180
Passcode: 005079
Phone: 646-558-8656

Sunday School